A Smart Solution for a Healthier South Lake County


Welcome to our Resources page, a hub designed to empower and support nonprofits as they navigate the grantmaking process for health and wellness. Discover a wealth of valuable information, tools, and resources dedicated to fostering a healthier south Lake County community.

Community Health Assessment Resource Tool Set powered by Florida’s Bureaus of Community Health Assessment and Vital Statistics.

Live Well Foundation Grantees use FL Health Charts to define grant outcomes. The new Community Dashboard includes data from the Community Map, Life Expectancy Report, and Social and Economic Factors Report. It offers sub-county data, including ZIP code and census tract information, covering chronic disease, injury, maternal and child health, infectious disease, housing, employment, and more.

Central Florida Collaborative Community Health Needs Assessment 2022

The Central Florida Collaborative (CFC) Community Health Needs Assessment reflects the dedication, compassion and insight of a highly diverse set of organizations. Collectively (and individually) CFC organizations focus on embracing the community, learning their stories and working diligently to meet a broad set of health and community needs.

Lake County Community Health Improvement Plan 2023-2024

A community health improvement plan is a long-term, systematic effort to address public health concerns within a community. This plan is based on the results of a community health needs assessment (CHNA) and is an integral part of the broader community health improvement process, aiming to enhance overall health outcomes.

Healthy People 2030

Healthy People 2030 provides 10-year, measurable public health objectives — and tools to help track progress toward achieving them. Click the image below to review the objectives and data by topic.

Social Determinants of Health (World Health Organization)

The programs we fund align with categories of Social Determinants of Health, a model of the components that affect personal health.

Florida State Health Improvement Plan

In support of the 2022-2026 State Health Improvement Planning process, the State Health Assessment Data Book was created to provide data about Florida’s health status.

Florida Philanthropic Network

Florida Philanthropic Network is a statewide association of grantmakers working to strengthen philanthropy through research, education and public policy.

Social Determinants of Health (World Health Organization)

The Association of Fundraising Professionals is a member-based group that empowers individuals and organizations to practice ethical fundraising through professional education, networking, research and advocacy.

Grantmakers In Health

Better health for all through better philanthropy.
Grantmakers In Health is a nonprofit, educational organization dedicated to helping foundations and corporate giving programs improve the health of all people.